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Don’t Miss the Final Event in our EDMS Expert Series! 

April 20
Building or Improving Your Strategic Plan for Reducing Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy

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Fourth in Attendance Improvement Expert Series

Creating Targeted Interventions for Students with Higher Degree of Absenteeism 

Successful Tier 3 interventions in your multi-tiered attendance improvement plan are critical to reengage and recover students most resistant to attending school and/or class. These interventions take the bulk of your team resources, but also individualized and often creative approaches for each student. Fourth in our 2022-23 Expert Series, join our summit for three best practice discussions on effective strategies, practical interventions, and successful implementation.

Event Date - Feb 19, 20236


Carolyn Gentle-Genitty, PhD, Founder Pivot Attendance Solutions

My Absence – Your Problem

11:40a ET | 10:40a CT | 9:40a MT | 8:40a PT

You can’t punish me if I am not there. Absent students have been screaming this at schools forever. It’s a scapegoat complex. Schools believe adding more punishments or rewards will change behavior. It’s true but only if the student shows up. Students with prolonged absences, for any number of reasons, become separated from the people and the process. No amount of incentives, positive or negative, will get them back. Wholistic targeted interventions, emphasizing people and services, aimed at re-establishing bonds at tier 3 is what’s required. This session engages the participants in reviewing a common few interventions, some emerging ones, and top 3 tips on how to develop your own. In sum, prolonged absence, and avoidance, is more about the school and the people than the academics.

Brian Gonzales, Truancy Officer, Kings COE, CA

County Office Resources Addressing Truancy

12:25p ET | 11:25a CT | 10:25a MT | 9:25a PT

Chronic absenteeism can be a major red flag of other underlying negative sociological and socio-economic factors in a child's home. Students with a higher degree of chronic absenteeism sometimes need a higher degree of intervention. This presentation will examine how a County Office of Education can network with local, district, and county resources to address the micro causes of truancy and chronic absenteeism while provoking a deeper involvement from the parents while providing them strategies, tools, and resources to address and improve their child's attendance immediately.

Sharon Bradley, M.Ed., Founder and Principal Consultant, RestorativeFlo Educational Solutions

The Collective: Tiered Actionable Strategies to Address Chronic Absenteeism

1:10p ET | 12:10p CT | 11:10a MT | 10:10a PT

Effectively addressing chronic absenteeism cannot be done in silos. It takes a unified commitment from the schools, families and community stakeholders to co-design actionable, innovative solutions to growing, intensive attendance situations. In this session, participants will acquire a variety of attendance-promoting strategies that can be implemented individually and integrated into tiered intervention-based frameworks to support students and families.

FOURTH of SIX in our EXPERT SERIES. We gave away $500 in Amazon Gift Cards to 10 participants at this Event. Join us for any remaining live event in our Expert Series to be one of 10+ winners at each event!