Every Day Matters Summit Logo


Extensive research shows that every day engaged in school and the classroom leads to life success, just as every absence – excused or unexcused – and tardy creates a downward pattern. There is an alarming trend in chronic absenteeism nationwide, including significant difficulties in re-engaging students after COVID. 

At EVERY DAY MATTERS, we focus our efforts on promoting and supporting all educators dedicated to the reversal of this trend.

Mission Graphic

Purpose & Mission

To address Absenteeism before it affects Student Achievement. Chronic absenteeism is a significant challenge, requiring holistic solutions. Since a student who has been chronically absent in the past is highly likely to be chronically absent again, it follows that efforts to reduce absenteeism in early grades will reduce absenteeism in higher grades.


brings together education leaders that share our Passion and Purpose for improving students’ futures by Building a Culture of Excellent Attendance. Our goals and mission are to create an online forum where educators can collaborate and share best practices and resources specific to:

  • Practical Scalable Strategies for Improving Attendance 
  • Building Stakeholder Teams to Support Student Attendance
  • Effective Messaging and Engagement Strategies for Districts and Schools
  • Using Data to Turn around Chronic Absenteeism & Truancy numbers in schools
  • Understanding and Responding to Barriers to Attendance
  • Proactively Incentivizing Good and Improving Attendance
  • How Student Absenteeism affects a Teacher’s Course Plan
  • Identifying Success Strategies and associated Challenges of Home Visits
  • Positive Proactive and Reactive Messaging Techniques and Technologies

Upcoming Events

The Every Day Matters Summit is an Education Leader collaborative that provides a FREE Event Forum for sharing Best Practices and replicable Virtual Resources. Check out below for our EDMS 2024-25 Event Series Calendar.  

Join us for all future events and visit our Resources page for past event videos!

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