Event Date - April 2023

Sixth in Attendance Improvement Expert Series

Building a Strategy for Reductions in Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy

This workshop/webinar offers strategies and resources for leadership teams to respond to school absenteeism. Teams will gain insights on devising strategy to execute plans to respond proactively and reactively to absenteeism. Proactive strategies require assessment of prior efforts and notation of outcomes. Reactive strategies are just in time resources to engage more students in education. Through each strategy teams learn what to look for to prepare their plans and engage in strategic doing. Participants will examine how their current implementation processes affect the greater whole and how to select the best programs, products, and policies consciously and deliberately to positively impact student attendance and reduce chronic truancy in their schools and districts. During this interactive session, opportunities provide for discussion, collaboration, and inquiry into different approaches, including customizable applications to a variety of settings.

Meet Your Facilitators

Carolyn Gentle-Genitty, PhD
Dr. Carolyn Gentle-Genitty, PhD, 
Pivot Attendance Solutions,
RaaWee Professional Services Partner
Dr. Kim Wallace, EdD Photo
Dr. Kim Wallace, EdD, 
Process Makes Perfect,
RaaWee Professional Services Partner

Learning Outcomes

  1. Increase knowledge on strategies and resources to respond to school absenteeism
  2. Increase knowledge on how to devise strategy
  3. Build awareness through examples of how to execute plans
  4. Differentiate between proactive and reactive strategies
  5. Define outcomes through examination of current implementation processes


  1. Definitive Guide to Improving Student Attendance
  2. Student Attendance Improvement Plan Template
  3. Stephen R. Covey Four Principles of Execution – FLEA
    1. Steps to refine and execute your team goals
    2. 8 Ways to boost your team’s commitment to goalsc
    3. 6 Ways to help team handle stress during change
  4. Strategic Doing Videos
    1. Opening Video – Agile Strategy
    2. History and context of Strategic Doing

Detailed Agenda

Welcome and Introductions (10 minutes)
PART I – (75 minutes)
  1. Exploration of New Concepts
  2. Reflection #1 – Poll & Whiteboarding Activities
  3. Reflection #2 –  Whiteboarding Activity
Chat with Our Experts & Grab a Coffee – (15 minutes)
PART II – (45 minutes)
  1. Knowledge and Awareness
  2. Report Out – Establishing Team Collaboration
  3. Defining Outcomes
Wrap Up & Closure (15 minutes)

LAST of SIX in our EXPERT SERIES. We gave away $600 in Amazon Gift Cards to 12 participants at this Event, joining more thab 65 gift card winners throughout the Expert Series and 2022-23 School Year.